Achieving good health is not only beneficial for growing body, it also safeguards bones and muscle for years to come.

Start the day with a good breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day. Among the quick and healthy breakfast including:
*Whole wheat bread and peanut butter
*Whole-wheat bread and a boiled egg (boil the night before)
*Whole-wheat and lean deli meat

Tips to help the people develop healthy meal patterns with it goals in mind:
*Reduce fat intake and increase intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
*Aim for balance and variety in food choices
*Make food preparation easy even for the ‘kitchen-challenged.’
*Keep the pleasure in eating

Use these recipe substitutions:
Use two egg whites for each whole egg and margarine or oil instead of butter
Use light mayonnaise instead of the regular variety
Use nonfat yogurt instead of sour cream
Use low fat cheese instead of regular cheese
Use 1 percent or skim milk instead of whole milk
Use fresh poultry, fish and lean meat rather than canned or processed types

Food and nutrition are two closely related but not identical things. Nutrition is what we need to stay healthy, while food is anything that can satisfy hunger.

Food can also be a source of pleasure, but can be bad for one’s health.
Preparing Healthier Meals

Preparing Healthier Meals

Achieving good health is not only beneficial for growing body, it also safeguards bones and muscle for years to come.

Start the day with a good breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day. Among the quick and healthy breakfast including:
*Whole wheat bread and peanut butter
*Whole-wheat bread and a boiled egg (boil the night before)
*Whole-wheat and lean deli meat

Tips to help the people develop healthy meal patterns with it goals in mind:
*Reduce fat intake and increase intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
*Aim for balance and variety in food choices
*Make food preparation easy even for the ‘kitchen-challenged.’
*Keep the pleasure in eating

Use these recipe substitutions:
Use two egg whites for each whole egg and margarine or oil instead of butter
Use light mayonnaise instead of the regular variety
Use nonfat yogurt instead of sour cream
Use low fat cheese instead of regular cheese
Use 1 percent or skim milk instead of whole milk
Use fresh poultry, fish and lean meat rather than canned or processed types

Food and nutrition are two closely related but not identical things. Nutrition is what we need to stay healthy, while food is anything that can satisfy hunger.

Food can also be a source of pleasure, but can be bad for one’s health.
Preparing Healthier Meals

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