Eating Disorders

The eating disorders are in general characterized by gross disturbances in eating behavior as well as extreme and distorted concerns about body shape and/or weight.

Eating disorders is associated with severe psychological limitations, increased mortality, physical complications and psychiatric symptoms like episodes of depression.

It is a complex compulsion to eat in a way that disturbs mental and physical heath as well.

Clinical significant of eating disorder is defined by the presence of one of three qualities:
*Present distress
*Impairment in important life function such as relationship with others, work or school performance.
*Increased risk of death, pain, loss of freedom or disability.

Genetics play a role in eating disorder etiology. One has a higher risk of developing an eating disorder if a relative has one and an even higher risk if it is a first degree relative.

Dieting is linked to disordered eating attitudes and behaviors. The girls who dieted were seven to eight times as lively to develop an eating disorder as those who did not diet.

A variety of stressful events or difficulties can trigger the onset of an eating disorder. Competitive events and transition can also precipitate the disorder. The onset of bulimia nervosa is often associated with the move to college.

Peers and family members may reinforce cultural body ideals and food related behaviors through example, advise giving and teasing. This can lead to internalization of thin ideals and low body-related self esteem and can promote dieting behaviors.
Eating Disorders

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