The importance of breakfast

Research have shown that taking breakfast is associated with improved strength and endurance in the late morning, along with a better attitude toward school or work.

Eating the right type of breakfast will not only help control blood sugar but will help slim the body down and reduce the risk of heart disease and possibly cancer and other chronic diseases.

Eating first thing in the morning also lowers liver’s production of bad LDL cholesterol.

Students who skip breakfast have been found to have attention spans, do worse in tasks requiring concentration, and even score lower on standardized achievement test than students who at a morning meal.

Many people mistakenly believe that skipping breakfast will help body lose weight. But according the experts, eating breakfast is actually good for weight loss. People who eat breakfast every day are much more likely to be at a healthy weight.

There was a study found that the breakfast bunch received four important benefits:
1. Lower BMI (average body weight)
2. Reduced risks of diabetes, metabolic problems and obesity
3. Better long term weight loss maintenance
4. Improved mental alertness throughput the day

People who regularly taking breakfast are more likely to have a greater degree of satisfaction in life, be less depressed and anxious and experience lower levels of perceived stress than the folks who regularly skip breakfast.

Despite these facts, many people, adults and children routinely skip breakfast, offering such excuses as not enough time, on a diet or not being hungry.
The importance of breakfast

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