Food sources of vitamin A

Vitamin A’s major function is assisting in the formation and maintenance of skin and mucous membranes.

It also has an essential role in vision, growth, and bone development. Vitamin A maintains the health of the cornea, the clear window of the eye.

Vitamin A is available from animal sources in the form of retinol or retinol ester and from plant sources, particular fruits and vegetables, in the form of provitamin A carotenoids.

The liver of meat animals is a rich source of vitamin A, for this organ is the body’s main storage site of the vitamin. Whole milk, butter, cheese and eggs are important dietary sources.

The edible portion of fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, pilchards, sardines and tuna contain moderate amounts of vitamin A, but white fish, apart from the haddock, contain only trace amounts.

Carotenoid or provitamin A, found in dark-green and deep yellow fruits and vegetables like carrots, spinach, broccoli, sweet potato, cantaloupe, peaches, apricots and mangos.
Food sources of vitamin A

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