I'm so excited to be able to offer some free events through the Vegan Health and Wellness Meetup I recently formed.  In just two months we already have over 160 members, and I can feel the momentum growing after our initial meeting with 17 people, followed by a potluck with 23 people, and a movie screening last night with 36 very enthusiastic attendees.  This fills me with such hope that a vegan community is growing here in Connecticut. 

We had a fantastic event screening the groundbreaking film, "Speciesism:  The Movie" to a packed house which was followed by a lively discussion that continued into the parking lot after we got kicked out of the library as it was closing.  

Sometimes when you go to see a movie, people sneak out during the credits, or when there's a Q&A more people charge for the door. That was not the case last night: everyone stayed. There was such positive energy in the room that I hope everyone else left feeling as inspired as I did. I look forward to continuing the conversation at future events.

The positive comments flooded my Facebook event page and Meetup group when I got home:
"Wonderful event--thought-provoking film & discussion. Nice to meet so many vegans."
"This was my first vegan meetup and I am extremely happy I went! Feels amazing being in a room with like minded people. I look forward to getting to know all of you." 
"Thank you so much for putting it together! It was a great experience and it was great to be around people who feel the same way I do, when usually I'm surrounded by people who do not open their eyes to truth. I look forward to future get togethers as well!" 
"Insightful and useful." 
"Very powerful."
"Great movie, great event!"
And on and on.... The message was clear.  Films like this are so needed for people to come together and create a community of compassion, to feel connected, to be inspired to take action for the animals, and most of all, to spread the vegan message in everything that we do by being an everyday activist. 

Thank you to Mark Devries for this thought-provoking film and for asking some great questions.  I'm glad to have had the opportunity to screen it.  Thank you also to Tofurky for the generous donation of delicious products, coupons and recipe books, and to PETA, Compassion Over Killing and Vegan Outreach for the literature and DVDs.  Everything got gobbled up, and I'm sure word will spread far and wide about this experience! 

Vegan Movie Night: Speciesism

I'm so excited to be able to offer some free events through the Vegan Health and Wellness Meetup I recently formed.  In just two months we already have over 160 members, and I can feel the momentum growing after our initial meeting with 17 people, followed by a potluck with 23 people, and a movie screening last night with 36 very enthusiastic attendees.  This fills me with such hope that a vegan community is growing here in Connecticut. 

We had a fantastic event screening the groundbreaking film, "Speciesism:  The Movie" to a packed house which was followed by a lively discussion that continued into the parking lot after we got kicked out of the library as it was closing.  

Sometimes when you go to see a movie, people sneak out during the credits, or when there's a Q&A more people charge for the door. That was not the case last night: everyone stayed. There was such positive energy in the room that I hope everyone else left feeling as inspired as I did. I look forward to continuing the conversation at future events.

The positive comments flooded my Facebook event page and Meetup group when I got home:
"Wonderful event--thought-provoking film & discussion. Nice to meet so many vegans."
"This was my first vegan meetup and I am extremely happy I went! Feels amazing being in a room with like minded people. I look forward to getting to know all of you." 
"Thank you so much for putting it together! It was a great experience and it was great to be around people who feel the same way I do, when usually I'm surrounded by people who do not open their eyes to truth. I look forward to future get togethers as well!" 
"Insightful and useful." 
"Very powerful."
"Great movie, great event!"
And on and on.... The message was clear.  Films like this are so needed for people to come together and create a community of compassion, to feel connected, to be inspired to take action for the animals, and most of all, to spread the vegan message in everything that we do by being an everyday activist. 

Thank you to Mark Devries for this thought-provoking film and for asking some great questions.  I'm glad to have had the opportunity to screen it.  Thank you also to Tofurky for the generous donation of delicious products, coupons and recipe books, and to PETA, Compassion Over Killing and Vegan Outreach for the literature and DVDs.  Everything got gobbled up, and I'm sure word will spread far and wide about this experience! 

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