It's pretty amazing when a movie has such a powerful impact on its audience.  Such was the case this afternoon with the Hartford, CT premier of "PlantPure Nation," the new documentary by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and his son, Nelson.  This documentary continues in a similar theme as "Forks Over Knives," with the emphasis on building supportive plant-based communities.  I think that's exactly what we're doing in Connecticut.  

I was thrilled to walk into a packed theater, which is rare these days. We had a HUGE turnout of 87 people, a third of whom stayed for the lively discussion afterward. 

We talked about the points in the movie that resonated most, and many agreed it was that eureka moment when everything comes together and we declare, "why didn't anyone ever tell me about this?!!"  We also discussed the need to have a vegan support network, ways of integrating the message into our everyday lives with family, friends and co-workers, and how to stay connected through Meetup and social media.  

When asked about questions which remained to be answered, many wanted to know more about the next steps for the PlantPure "Pods."  While that process gets more formalized, in the meantime I invited everyone to join my Vegan Health & Wellness Meetup to stay in touch and keep posted on upcoming events.  

I'm so excited to be part of this growing community and I look forward to continuing to spread the vegan message. Thank you everyone for attending! 

PlantPure Nation Screening

It's pretty amazing when a movie has such a powerful impact on its audience.  Such was the case this afternoon with the Hartford, CT premier of "PlantPure Nation," the new documentary by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and his son, Nelson.  This documentary continues in a similar theme as "Forks Over Knives," with the emphasis on building supportive plant-based communities.  I think that's exactly what we're doing in Connecticut.  

I was thrilled to walk into a packed theater, which is rare these days. We had a HUGE turnout of 87 people, a third of whom stayed for the lively discussion afterward. 

We talked about the points in the movie that resonated most, and many agreed it was that eureka moment when everything comes together and we declare, "why didn't anyone ever tell me about this?!!"  We also discussed the need to have a vegan support network, ways of integrating the message into our everyday lives with family, friends and co-workers, and how to stay connected through Meetup and social media.  

When asked about questions which remained to be answered, many wanted to know more about the next steps for the PlantPure "Pods."  While that process gets more formalized, in the meantime I invited everyone to join my Vegan Health & Wellness Meetup to stay in touch and keep posted on upcoming events.  

I'm so excited to be part of this growing community and I look forward to continuing to spread the vegan message. Thank you everyone for attending! 

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