Obesity can cause diabetes type 2

Type 2 diabetes is also called adult-onset diabetes as the onset usually used to take place after the age of 40.

It is known that free fatty acids, which are often elevated in obese individuals, have been implicated as an important causative link between obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Elevated plasma free fatty acids clearly impaired the ability of insulin to stimulate muscle glucose uptake. Insulin must bind with receptors before glucose can enter the cells.

Many years before the development of Type 2 diabetes, individuals usually become overweight. This leads to insulin becoming less effective (insulin resistance) meaning that people with this condition have to produce more and more insulin to control their blood sugar.

Eventually the pancreas can no longer produce enough insulin and blood sugars begin to rise. This is the point at which Type 2 diabetes occurs. The best way to improve blood sugar levels in the early stages is by diet and exercise.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes begins with weight control through an individualized nutrition and exercise plan and can include oral glycemic agents or insulin replacement therapy. The goal of treatment for type 2 diabetes is the same as that of type 1: to maintain optimal blood glucose levels.
Obesity can cause diabetes type 2

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