It's incredibly satisfying to read articles about veganism in the mainstream.  Connecticut is making headway on that front with restaurants, food trucks, and health professionals advocating a plant-based diet, along with numerous animal activists working for change to the political system.  I'm excited to be part of the growing community of vegans, and was happy to be featured in a recent article in the Hartford Courant, "Vegetarianism Exploding into Mainstream Culture," by Diane Church.
In recent years, vegetarianism has exploded into mainstream culture, and it seems that more people are giving up meat every day.
And it's not just the stereotypical aging hippies and idealistic college students who are scarfing down all those veggie burgers. People from all walks of life are embracing the trend.
For anyone looking for inspiration or a reason to get started, this article offers plenty of resources.  When I first became vegan 18 years ago I felt lost and confused.  An organization which helped me see what an adventure being vegan could be is the Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society.  Their monthly potlucks opened my eyes and tastebuds to the incredible possibilities veganism had to offer.  This is one of the many resources Diane mentions.

Take a peek and give vegan a try.  I hope to see you at a vegan event or potluck some time soon, and I look forward to hearing your story.

Vegan in the Mainstream

It's incredibly satisfying to read articles about veganism in the mainstream.  Connecticut is making headway on that front with restaurants, food trucks, and health professionals advocating a plant-based diet, along with numerous animal activists working for change to the political system.  I'm excited to be part of the growing community of vegans, and was happy to be featured in a recent article in the Hartford Courant, "Vegetarianism Exploding into Mainstream Culture," by Diane Church.
In recent years, vegetarianism has exploded into mainstream culture, and it seems that more people are giving up meat every day.
And it's not just the stereotypical aging hippies and idealistic college students who are scarfing down all those veggie burgers. People from all walks of life are embracing the trend.
For anyone looking for inspiration or a reason to get started, this article offers plenty of resources.  When I first became vegan 18 years ago I felt lost and confused.  An organization which helped me see what an adventure being vegan could be is the Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society.  Their monthly potlucks opened my eyes and tastebuds to the incredible possibilities veganism had to offer.  This is one of the many resources Diane mentions.

Take a peek and give vegan a try.  I hope to see you at a vegan event or potluck some time soon, and I look forward to hearing your story.

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