Speaking up for animals

Last night I attended a hearing by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection allowing the public to submit testimony regarding proposed legislation that would expand hunting in the state.  If you missed the hearing, you can still submit your comments to the official record until March 10th. There were several pro hunting & trapping people at the hearing, so it's important to voice your opposition to these rule changes.

Here is what I said:
I'm an avid hiker and nature enthusiast.  I believe in the motto, "Take only photographs; leave only footprints," whenever I am in state and national parks and nature preserves, and I extend that to wild animals who exist for their own purposes, not for the sake of humans. I'm opposed to unnecessary violence and believe expanding hunting, particularly to young children, only increases violence in our society.  Yes, "No child left inside" is a laudable goal, and I agree with it, but appreciating nature does NOT need to include the killing of animals. It isn't a sport when the animals is not a willing participant.

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