Hello 2017.  Let's make some mischief!

We kicked off the new year right with a Vegan Brunch catered by my personal chef business, Well on Wheels.  It was an intimate gathering of friends coming together to talk about food, families, activism, and spreading the vegan message while eating some decadent savory and sweet goodies.

The menu included Tofu Florentine Quiche, Benevolent Bacon, Sesame Strignbeans, Kite Hill cheese and vegan caviar on baguette, Cranberry Streusel Muffins, Apple Cinnamon Bread Pudding with Maple Pecan Praline and Coconut Whip, grapes, clementines and pomegranate, and chocolate truffles.

We talked and ate, then ate some more.  Even though it felt decadent, there was a lot of healthy stuff here with the fruit and veggies, so we didn't feel too guilty when everyone left stuffed.

Let's make 2017 a year of spreading the easy peasy vegan message that you don't need to feel deprived to be vegan, and anyone can do it.  

New Year's Day Vegan Brunch

Hello 2017.  Let's make some mischief!

We kicked off the new year right with a Vegan Brunch catered by my personal chef business, Well on Wheels.  It was an intimate gathering of friends coming together to talk about food, families, activism, and spreading the vegan message while eating some decadent savory and sweet goodies.

The menu included Tofu Florentine Quiche, Benevolent Bacon, Sesame Strignbeans, Kite Hill cheese and vegan caviar on baguette, Cranberry Streusel Muffins, Apple Cinnamon Bread Pudding with Maple Pecan Praline and Coconut Whip, grapes, clementines and pomegranate, and chocolate truffles.

We talked and ate, then ate some more.  Even though it felt decadent, there was a lot of healthy stuff here with the fruit and veggies, so we didn't feel too guilty when everyone left stuffed.

Let's make 2017 a year of spreading the easy peasy vegan message that you don't need to feel deprived to be vegan, and anyone can do it.  

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