Radical Vegan Wellness

adjective: radical
1 (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.

I want to introduce you to my new Radical Vegan Wellness program.

It’s a comprehensive health overhaul incorporating diet, physical exercise, stress management, and holistic health care to create a healthy family, healthy home and garden, and healthy communities. Many have called it transformative.

I know you’re a compassionate person who cares about animals, people, and the planet, and you want your lifestyle to reflect your values, but you need some guidance and support.  That’s what I’m here for!

Maybe you’ve been vegan for awhile, but you’re the only one you know who shares your values.  Or you’ve switched to a plant-based diet but want to take your health to the next level.  Maybe you’re tired of popping pills for this or that ailment or you just feel tired all the time despite being vegan. Or maybe you’re just getting started on the vegan path, but you need help taking that first step and following through.

What I want to share with you is a plan to take charge of your own health: how you eat, sleep, exercise, and heal yourself. It’s life-changing; not just for you, but for those around you as well. I fully believe that, 
When we come together in unity with compassion for ourselves and all beings, we can heal the planet.  
I’m committed to making this change happen by sharing what I know with you.  Nearly twenty years ago I became vegan for health reasons. I was tired and cranky all the time, had asthma and seasonal allergies that seemed to last all four seasons, I got migraines nearly every week, and I just didn’t think I’d ever feel well again. When allergists told me I needed to be on medication the rest of my life and get rid of my dog who they claimed was causing my asthma, I decided to seek alternatives. This began my journey of discovering how diet, exercise, and holistic health care can transform your life.

I want to let you know what worked for me and has worked for dozens of my clients over the past 13 years. These are simple strategies that anyone can incorporate into their daily lives to ensure success.  Whether it’s losing a few pounds, eliminating food cravings, learning how to create quick and easy meals, increasing energy, or all of the above, I can help. 

Want to learn more?  

I will be hosting a free Skype video conference call on Saturday, March 18 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) to talk about this new program and answer any questions you may have. 

Space is limited to the first 10 people who contact me.  

If you’d like to reserve your spot, please RSVP “Yes” with your Skype handle and I will add you to my contact list.   

I look forward to speaking with you about Radical Vegan Wellness

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